Love What You Do or Do What You Love!!

Love what you DO or DO what you Love!!
If the former was so easy to practice and implement, frustration would have disappeared in the lives of individuals… each individual would be a “MASTER” in the art of transformation.
Is that the case?
It’s as-if some one born is to play cricket, but due to circumstances, is forced to play billiards!!
It’s as-if someone intrinsically has the potential of a race horse, but is in a role akin to the pace of the tortoise and love it!!
SOCIETY has coined a beautiful word for this mis-match…”RESPONSIBILITY”.
Your sacrifice is praised, your Karma is invoked, and you are expected to bear the burdensome cross of”Responsibility” for a Life Time and you are advised “Love what you DO”
Whoever has come up with Love what you DO is a pacifist,was certainly scared of RISK. Why risk at all, as-if RISK is Death, as-if RISK is Failure.
Come to think of it, we are born out of RISK, aren’t we?
So many things could have gone wrong. We could have been born blind, we could have been born de-formed… we could have been born impaired…and yet we are here today, having navigated a plethora of RISKS.
It’s as-if we have been unconsciously trained in managing RISKS and yet now, we often shudder at the very thought of ” Doing what we LOVE” for it is too risky!! Ironic, isn’t it?
There is quite likely a positive intention when people advice it is too risky.The risk they perceive for us is often experienced as an all pervading DOOM. One is quite literally on the street, completely broke, a pauper on the streets and they don’t want you in that situation…
What is often overlooked and gets away unquestioned is “Can’t RISK be managed”?
An example, should help drive home the point…
Why RISK intercourse as a child can come out of it?
Worse, twins can come out of it as well…
Such individuals have never heard of contraceptives!! So yes, risk can definitely be managed!!

What would it take for me to continue doing what I do and also integrate into my life style what I love doing?

Instead of this or that, can I do this and that?
What would it take to move away from the “sacrifice” mindset to the mindset of “integration”
What would it take to move away from ” Scarcity of Choice” to “Choice based Options”
What would it take to move away from “Once I retire, then I will do it mindset” to “How do I do it now” mindset?
Remember, Tomorrow never comes, So do it today!!