Personal Counselling

The World Loves to talk and We Love to Listen. These 1 on 1 interactions are modelled on the Carl Rogerian approach, blended with NLP & Therapeutic Stories. Sessions are held privately and in an atmosphere of confidentiality

Man learns through challenges. Each individual faces his own unique set of challenges, be it in the personal, professional and environmental realms.
There appears no law governing the intensity of these challenges, nor the frequency nor the manner in which these challenges are handled.
At times a particular event or situation tends to overwhelm us. We are fully identified and consumed by the challenge that has hit us hard or caused us to topple over.

  • We may have tried multiple options, but nothing seems to work
  • At times, these challenges tend to leave the mind cluttered or scattered.
  • At times, these challenges tend to leave the mind burdened
  • At times, these challenges tend to leave the mind dejected and demotivated.
  • At times, these challenges tend to make life meaningless!!

How would speaking to a Coach help

Speaking with family or friends can help, but a sense of judgement or advice or induced guilt inadvertently creeps into the conversation.

Speaking to a well-qualified Coach is in a way therapeutic in itself. A skilled coach can hand hold you to look at the problem from multiple perspectives, without judging or advising you.

When a problem is looked at from different perspectives, more often than not a new insight, a new hope, a new meaning, a new solution often arises!!

On What Life-Areas do we Coach

Relationship Issue
Low Self-Estem
Anxiety Issue
Parenting Issue
Confidence Issue
Public Speaking Fear

Begin with Self-Acceptance