Religious Ramblings
Article penned by Sqn.Ldr.H Srinivasan(Retd)…. It is always a pleasure for the old to ramble, when they spot a keen pair of ears to listen
Eclectic Verses
Ideating Thoughts come together to form a beautiful bouquet of roses. The multifarious compositions of poems and haiku in Eclectic Verses highlight the nuances of
Markets Reward The Long Term Patient Investors
Several people have been asking me and hyping the fact that it’s a big deal that markets have fallen 1000 – 2000 points in a
A Tale of Dickey – Picture Speak
Picture Speak – The theme here is to weave a story based on the picture. The pic’s are simple and random clicks, less than perfect
BOTS – The Way Forward For Business
White Paper on how BOTs can assist in the Car Rentals Industry Background of BOTs BOT is not an acronym and are the last 3
Love What You Do or Do What You Love!!
Love what you DO or DO what you Love!!If the former was so easy to practice and implement, frustration would have disappeared in the lives
Tips To Look Out When Looking For a Soft Skills/Life Skills Coach
The Coaching Business Industry today is a free for all market. In today’s Social Media age, a savvy marketing blitz is all that it takes
A Powerfull, Yet Fundamentally Ignoed Leadership SkiIll
Imagine this… Close your eyes and imagine your favourite Leader. Let the image of this leader surface in your mind’s internal representation. Now pause Recall
Are you that ? The fallacy of language
People often make statements like ” I am depressed”. Analyzing this statement, one can infer that the individual exists not, it is only depression that